Monday, April 19, 2010

Grrrrreat Dr. appointment!

We had a visit with our cardiologist today and he was so proud and happy with how well Lilli is doing! She even hit 83% O2 to show off. The major concern is getting her weight up now. We had a consult with the nutritionist today too and we are attempting all the little tricks to get any extra calorie possible into the little stinker. She is still eating ALL night long and is up at least every 2 hours (more like every hour) I’m beyond sleep deprived but I’m managing to function some.

The weather has been so wonderful and we’ve been outside as much as possible.. . one downfall is my allergies (I feel like me head could explode). I don’t remember a MN spring this warm, EVER!

Lilli has been getting out and about much more too with play dates and running errands. We were with my cousin’s son the other day (who is half her age but 5 lbs heavier). It’s been so nice to get her interacting with more kids.

Lilli is rocking the pig-tail look these days… mostly because she has a “mullet” without them in.

crabby.... but still cute :)