Saturday, September 25, 2010

Update (long overdue yet again)!

Sorry yet again for the lack of updates… we still do not have internet access!

Lilli overall doing AMAZING! We have had a few “scares” but she always seems to clear the presumed casts on her own. We did have one scary trip to the Dakota County ER (in Alexandria @ the Cabin) cus the little stinker is allergic to peanut butter!!!! She puffed up like a marshmallow but amazingly only had an external reaction. I honestly thought we would be taking our first helicopter ride to the U! Our cardiologist agrees that we should not attempt ANYRTHING unless Lilli forces us to… and we 100% agree! She has such a delicate respiratory system that no one would like to intabate her!

Life is going well. Lilli and I LOVE our new house and we are so beyond blessed to be able to live there.

Please say a few prayers for Denis’s dad who was just diagnosed with cancer, it is spread so far into his stomach, intestines, liver… that they will not likely attempt any treatment.

Here are a few pics of life over the past…. Errr month!

 Someone is starting to learn the joys of chocolate.... like her mommy!!!

 Lilli LOVES being outside and prefers rocks, flowers, dirt.... over ANY toy!